Books · Life

2019 Bookish Resolutions

Hey Guys!

2018 is very nearly over and so today I thought that I would talk about my bookish resolutions for 2019. I made a similar post last year talking about my goals for this year, and you all seemed to really like it, so I’m doing it again. I managed to stick to most of my goals from 2018 and so I am hoping to continue some of them over to 2019 and some new ones as well, so here are my bookish goals.

My first goal is to set a lower reading goal. For the last two years I have set myself a goal of reading 100 books throughout the year, and although I have reached it both years, it hasn’t always been easy. So this year I am going to take the pressure off myself a bit and aim for 75 books instead. It is still large enough to feel like a challenge and like I’m making a dent in my TBR pile, but it isn’t completely overwhelming.

My next goal is to try and get up to date with series. I used to be really good at this but over the course of this year I have slipped. A lot. There are so many series that I have read the first book for and want to continue but I just haven’t. So, by the end of 2019 I want to try and be completely up to date with all the series that I want to read.

On a similar note I want to stop forcing myself to continue series that I don’t enjoy. I always feel such pressure to finish a series, even if I hate it, in case it gets better. And I am determined to stop that in 2019. If I don’t like a series, I will stop reading it. similarly, if I am not enjoying a book, I will DNF it. I always feel obliged to finish it and it is just a waste of time to read something that I don’t like.

I also want to allow myself to reread more books. this year I reread a few books, including one of my all-time favourite series, The Infernal Devices. And I loved it. I loved going back and rediscovering stories that I used to love. and so in 2019 I want to do this more. I will be doing a whole post about this in a couple of weeks, so look out for that.

Slight curve ball, I am going to dedicate more time to my bookstagram. I have truly fallen in love with it this year but, particularly in the last few months, haven’t dedicated enough time to it. I want to give myself more time to be creative and take photos and just enjoy the platform.

And my final goal is to just enjoy reading again. This year has been a really weird reading year for me. I had some major highs and some major lows. I had times when I would go weeks without finishing a book and others when I would read 15 books in a week (not exaggerating). I used reading as an escape and let it become a chore. So in the new year I just want to get back to enjoying books and enjoying reading. I am taking pressure of myself to read loads and feel bad about not getting to new releases straight away, I am not going to force myself to stick to monthly TBR’s if I’m not feeling them. I am just going to give myself more freedom with my reading so that I can grow to love it again.

And there we have it. those are all of my reading goals for 2019. Do you have any bookish goals for the new year? Do you set a reading target? I hope that you have enjoyed todays post and I will see you all again very soon.


4 thoughts on “2019 Bookish Resolutions

  1. Great goals! I understand what you mean about setting the reading goal lower to take off pressure. When mine is really high I tend to avoid reading big books as well, which… Is the majority of my books, haha. What’s your bookstagram handle? I don’t know if I follow you already or not 😅

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do that too. This year I swear I have only really read books that are under 400 pages! Theres just too much pressure to reavh the giant goal. My handle is bethsescapefromreality 😊 what’s yours? x


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